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Sr. Susan, over at Musings, has posted a lovely post election prayer which includes the following:

. . . . .

Watch over our new president-elect–
keep him safe and sound.
Watch over our proud and diverse citizenry,
heal our divisions and
grant us whatever it is that we need to
truly become
that more perfect union long promised
and often wished for.

May peace prevail
in our homes, our nation, our world.
May all your children grow in awareness
that we are one.
May neighbor watch over neighbor.
May your kindom come.

And I join my voice to hers in praying for our nation, our world.  Amen.

The Top 5 Reasons To Vote In California
Or: Why It Still Means A Thing Even If It Ain't Got That Swing

Big margin = big mandate. The popular vote doesn't put anyone in the White House, but it affects what presidents can do when they get there. Want the president to be able to actually do the stuff he's been talking about?

The other things on the ballot matter! There are important issues on the California ballot this year, and we all need to weigh in. You better believe our opponents will turn out and vote on them. Also, there's Congress.

If you don't vote, everyone can find out. Voting records are public. (Not who you voted for, just whether you voted.) Pretty soon, finding out whether you voted could be as easy as Googling you.

Help make history. Do you really want to have to explain to your great-great-grandchildren that you were just too busy to vote in the most important election in your lifetime?

People died so you'd have the right to vote. Self-government—voting to choose our own leaders—is the original American dream. We are heir to a centuries-long struggle for freedom: the American Revolution, and the battles to extend the franchise to those without property, to women, to people of color, and to young people. This year, many will still be denied their right to vote. For those of us who have that right, it's precious. If we waste it, we dishonor those who fought for it and those who fight still.

Live your values. Love your country. Vote.

adapted and edited

November 2008
